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Good for You, Good for the Planet


Greenhouse Safe

Our crops are protected by 4 walls and a roof - guarding them from insects, bacteria, and other contaminents. Our greenhouse has strict protocols to keep your food protected. To show our commitment to safe produce, our greenhouse is SQF (Safe Quality Food) certified.


Superior Taste

How are our greens so packed with healthy vitamins, while also tasting delicious? We include all the things they love, like clean water and the nutrients plants need to thrive, and pair that with daily harvests to keep things fresh. We also cool our greens immediately after harvest to increase how long they last.


Clean & Organic

Our commitment to safety doesn’t end with our facilities; we don’t use any harmful pesticides or other chemicals on our organic greens. They simply aren’t necessary because of how we grow them. Our greens are also non-GMO, just as nature intended.


Sustainably Farmed

Traditional farms require a lot of resources to function: land, soil, water, and energy, often in the form of fossil fuels. They also often produce runoff into our water table. With our closed system, we recirculate 99.9% of our water with zero runoff, harness the sun for the bulk of our growing (and use energy-efficient LEDs during winter), and don’t use soil. We grow as much food on 6 acres as a traditional farm produces on 100 acres.


Grown Locally

A lot of produce is grown in places with warm climates year-round, like California. All those miles traveled create quite the carbon footprint, and also means food isn’t as fresh by the time it ends up on your plate. Our farm is located in Hixton, Wisconsin and we harvest daily year-round from our greenhouse, meaning your greens last as long as possible, with the lowest emissions cost.


Consistently Great

Because we grow our greens in a greenhouse, they’re protected from storms, disease, and other problems that could impact their quality or availability. We know exactly what goes into your greens because we clean our water. And because we don’t use soil, there’s no need to rotate crops, ensuring consistent delivery to your favorite grocery store. We also inspect each plant to ensure you always have the best greens.